Belmont Elementary School

Belmont Elementary school

Before/After School

Welcome to the Boys & Girls Club at Belmont Elementary School! We meet in the gym. During school vacations and other closures, we meet at Pleasant Street Elementary School in Laconia.

We’re excited to make out-of-school time fun and enriching with a range of activities in the arts, sports and recreation, educational enhancement, technology, leadership development, life-skills programming and more!

Before/After School

Grades Served:  K-4
Before School Hours: Opens 6:45 am
After School Hours: Closes 5:30 pm

Vacation Hours: 6:45 to 5:30 at Pleasant Street Elementary in Laconia

Weekly Fees: Before School $182.90.wk- Members pay no more than $59/wk, per child
Weekly Fees: After School Cost of Services $182.90  **Members pay no more than $80/week, per child.**  Additional assistance available.

School Age Programs

26 Best St
Belmont, NH 03220

(603) 455-6630

Site Director: Kim Bacon –

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For many children and families, the Boys & Girls Club is more than just a fun place to go. It is life-changing.